
Cameron Pattullo

Senior Associate
NatDipArchTech, LBP Design 3

A born and bred son of Tamaki Makaurau, Cameron has spent much of his professional career consumed by (and engaged in ) the renewal and growth of urban Auckland. He is passionate about the city and its built environment, and being part of its change enlivens him. 

Cameron is an experienced senior architectural technician with a background in Architectural Technology – but he describes himself as a ‘documentation artist’. He trained at Unitec when drawing boards were still a thing; now Cameron uses his creative talent and a digital pencil to bring designs and concepts to life for us and our clients. 

Joined Peddlethorp:

Associate since:

Sector experience:
Commercial, Residential, Sports and Recreation

Key projects:
Kainga Ora
65 Federal Street Tower
Commercial Bay
Union Green
Sir John Guise Stadium, Papua New Guinea
Botanica Heritage
Britomart East
Sofitel, Lighter Quay 

Professional notes:
NatDipArchTech, Unitec
Design 3, LBP