
21 Queen

21 Queen Street is internationally recognised as an exemplar of sustainable building reuse and refurbishment. Stripped back to its existing 1970s concrete structure, the building received six new floors and an elegant facelift throughout. It was the first in New Zealand to be awarded a 5 Green Star ‘as-built’ rating.


AMP New Zealand Trust


21 Queen Street

Completion Date

September 2009


2011 Zerofootprint International Re-skinning Award – Joint Winner & honourable mention for Resource Efficiency: Commercial & Industrial Category

2011 CCANZ – Overall Supreme Winner + Winner of Commercial Concrete Construction Category

2011 NZIA – New Zealand Architecture Award Commercial + Sustainability

2010 NZIA – Auckland Architecture Award Commercial + Sustainability

The elegant and highly efficient glass façade blocks solar radiation while allowing daylight through to the office spaces within. Other environmental initiatives include 100% fresh air chilled beams, cycling and shower facilities, recycling storage and collection, and rainwater harvesting. The reuse of the existing concrete structure, which ‘captures’ the energy required to make the original cement, means that the building is effectively ‘carbon neutral’ for 25 years after completion. 

The design achieves a remarkable nett lettable-to-gross floor area ratio of 92%, delivering on both commercial and environmental objectives.