
Kāinga Ora
Bader McKenzie

The Kāinga Ora Bader McKenzie development comprises 65 new 6 Homestar certified residences, including 1 and 2-bedroom apartments and 4-bedroom terraced homes. The five apartment blocks were placed to face a major intersection, providing a clear sense of address while also acknowledging the importance of Te Pane o Mataaoho maunga (Māngere Mountain). Terrace houses allow the development to transition down in scale onto a more suburban setting. A generous amount of open landscape space was retained ( with existing trees preserved) for secure play areas. Safety and wellbeing were primary considerations, and pedestrian movement prioritised.


Kāinga Ora — Homes and Communities


Māngere, Auckland

Completion Date

August 2020

A community room provides residents with multipurpose facilities to accommodate activities and events. The development includes 61 carparks and 72 bicycle spaces.

The building forms reflect our iterative research-based approach to design, delivering cost and spatially efficient solutions through the ongoing development of standardised modular designs.