

Peddlethorp was engaged by Oceania Healthcare for the redevelopment of the existing low density Melrose Retirement Village site to provide benchmark quality aged care and retirement living facilities. The new development has been designed to provide a secure, safe, accessible and engaging environment for residents and will include independent apartments/ villas, a supported aged care facility and extensive external and internal recreation and common facilities. The overall scheme comprises of five new buildings varying in height between two to four levels. 




Judea, Tauranga

Completion Date

October 2023

Connection with the external landscape was a key design driver and it evolved to achieve the optimal orientation for the apartments, view shafts to the harbour and Mount Maunganui while retaining as many existing trees on the site as possible.

The design adopts a consistent and contemporary aesthetic but is deliberate in the inclusion of a reasonable degree of variety to ensure articulation, richness and diversity between and in the layout of the buildings as well as the selection of building materials and finishes. The village has been designed to allow for phased development stages enabling existing residents to be incorporated into the new developments with minimal disruption.

A portion of the Bayview Master Plan identifies the central circulation hub between the main building elements, their respective entry points and the relationship with the longitudinal pedestrian spine that connects all the Independent Living blocks.

Stage 1 of the development included the demolition of certain existing structures on the southwestern boundary of the site to accommodate a 60-person Care facility with related common and service areas. A central kitchen with related stores, service rooms, service access and loading provisions was also included.

Stage 2 comprised 71 Independent Living units associated common areas with this stage being the core facility for reception, lounges, dining, support kitchen, activity and amenity areas. Parking for 41 cars was provided in an under-croft parking arrangement.

Stage 3 includes a new three storey apartment building comprising 28 units.